Title: The Miguasha coat of arms
Author: Designed by Marius Arsenault
Sources: Parc national de Miguasha
Year: 1996
Blazon tierced per fesse with, in chief, three fleurs-de-lys against an azure background bringing to mind the presence of the park in Quebec territory.
In centre fesse, the Elpistostege watsoni, a fish of the colour of Miguasha fossils in transition towards becoming a tetrapod, against the turquoise background of an equatorial estuary.
On the champagne, red base and a fern with fronds and fan-shaped leaflets, in chief, reminiscent of the red soil of Miguasha and the Archaeopteris halliana, a primitive tree of the Devonian.
The motto Ex aqua ad terram means From water to land. Descriptive text by Marius Arsenault and Philippe Janvier.
Title: The Miguasha paleoestuary
Author: Illustration by François Miville-Deschênes
Sources: Parc national de Miguasha
Year: 2003
A fresco of the ancient Miguasha estuary with the peaks of the young Appalachian mountain range in the background. The fish fauna were diversified, but it was Eusthenopteron foordi that dominated this watery world. Vegetation was concentrated along the shore, dense and tall enough in places to make forests.