Since 1879, no less than 3,000 specimens of
Eusthenopteron foordi have been excavated from the sedimentary rocks of the Miguasha cliffs, making this species one of the most common in the formation.

(28 kb) The sheer abundance and excellent preservation of so many specimens of this ancient fish have allowed for numerous studies, leading to a level of recognition and fame that is usually only seen for living species.

(44 kb)Known around the world,
Eusthenopteron is sometimes called the fish with legs, reflecting how similar its fin bones are to those of the tetrapods. Other traits that link it closely to tetrapods are the labyrinthodont teeth (teeth with folded sheets of dentine), characteristic of primitive tetrapods, and the presence of a choana in the palate, which enabled tetrapods to breathe air. Did the choana in
Eusthenopteron confer the same ability? Impossible to know for certain, but it is quite likely that the animal had lungs, as did other groups like the dipnoi.

(84 kb)The median fins of
Eusthenopteron are easily recognized by their pointed sail-like shape and are positioned far back on the body, which is typical in osteolepiform fish. These fins enabled the fish to accelerate rapidly and thus surprise its prey.
The head of
Eusthenopteron displays a complex pattern of dermal bones. Small teeth adorn the edges of the upper and lower jaws, whereas pronounced fangs grew a little farther back in the mouth. It was evidently a predator, a fact that is also directly demonstrated by the presence of whole fish, sometimes even fellow members of its own species, still in the abdomen of some specimens.

(24 kb)The streamlined profiles of this fish can reach more than a metre long, but specimens come in all sizes, some only 2.7 cm long, which has allowed an exhaustive investigation into its growth. Studies have established that it underwent at least two types of growth spurts during its lifetime, during which the ossification of various parts of its skeleton was accelerated.
Nicknamed the Prince of Miguasha,
Eusthenopteron foordi has been the sites ambassador to the world for more than a century.