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A sea of fossils
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Title: Gaspestria genselorum
Author: Parc national de Miguasha
Sources: Parc national de Miguasha
Year: 2005
This millipede was part of a community of land-dwelling invertebrates that lived at the end of Lower Devonian time among the remarkable flora that is characteristic of the Battery Point Formation on the Gaspé Peninsula.
Title: A very shell-rich bed
Author: Parc national de Miguasha
Sources: Parc national de Miguasha
Year: 1991
An example of a bed with abundant shelly marine fossils in the Lower Devonian Gaspé Sandstone. The species include the brachiopods Loreleiella cf. jahnkeiû, Leptocoelia flabellites and Gaspespirifer gaspensis.