Title: Asmusia membranacea
Author: Not available
Year: 1996
A specimen of the small conchostracan Asmusia membranacea, extracted from a coprolite in the Escuminac Formation.
Title: A conchostracan
Author: Parc national de Miguasha
Sources: Parc national de Miguasha
Year: 2003
Conchostracans are small crustaceans protected by thin valves of chitin. These tiny creatures were a dietary staple for many fish in the ancient Miguasha estuary.
Title: Euestheria
Author: Parc national de Miguasha
Sources: Parc national de Miguasha
Year: 2005
A small conchostracan was also present during Lower Devonian time in the Gaspé. Assigned to the Eustheria genus, it is found with fish fauna and beds of plant fossils in the Battery Point Formation.